Supporting a Bereaved Friend

Supporting a Bereaved Friend

Often, I am asked ‘how best can I support my friend who has experienced a death?’. It is a great question and yet there is no simple answer. When grieving, our needs can change frequently; some days we might feel the need for comfort from the company of friends...


The act of breathing tells us we are alive. Breath fuels our organs for life, our muscles for movement and our brain for practically everything! And yet, for many of us, the noise and pace of modern living, has us breathing irregularly, inefficiently and...
Approaching Christmas

Approaching Christmas

Christmas can take on a whole new meaning after someone we know and perhaps love, dies. The anticipation of the Day can be experienced as dread and fear. The thought of moving through the day and all the activity leading up to the Day, without that special person...

Medicare rebates and counselling

This article seeks to provide clients with information and clarify questions about accessing bereavement counselling services and mental health treatment plans. Q:  What is the difference between a counsellor and a psychologist? A:  A key difference between a...